Tailored Solutions
Efficient, Reliable, and Scalable

With over 100 years of expertise in hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, Vienna Model Basin is a trusted partner for optimizing vessel design, performance, and safety. We provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each project, focusing on improving hydrodynamic efficiency, seakeeping, and maneuverability. Our aerodynamic design expertise ensures flow-optimized superstructures that enhance overall performance.
We validate our design proposals through a combination of computer simulations, model testing, and comparisons with data from our extensive database of existing vessels. Offering all services in-house allows us to deliver time-critical projects quickly, without compromising on precision or quality.

Numerical Solutions
Numerical methods for fluid flow computation have advanced to the point where they can be effectively applied to a wide range of challenges in the marine industry and related fields. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods offer an excellent way to reduce time consumption during the early design stages, significantly shortening the overall time required for new designs. Moreover, for the first time, CFD methods enable the integration of hydrodynamic analysis within a complex computer-aided design environment that incorporates various CAX technologies.

Powering & Performance
Ship performance prediction is one of the standard procedures at Vienna Model Basin. With a commitment to high measuring accuracy and reproducibility of data, combined with years of experience in hydrodynamic testing, we ensure a high degree of accuracy by correlating test results with full-scale measurements.
In addition to conventional routine tests, VMB conducts a variety of additional investigations, including hull form optimization and the assessment of maneuvering and seakeeping characteristics, such as slamming damage. We also analyze the effectiveness of energy-saving devices, tunnels, and nozzles.
Furthermore, our offerings include towing tests for fishing gear, life-saving appliances, and sport boats, providing comprehensive solutions tailored to the needs of our clients.

Vienna Model Basin conducts scale model tests in regular and irregular waves in its towing tank, allowing seakeeping tests in any wave direction. Studies include ship motions, accelerations, wave resistance, slamming pressure, water on deck, and broaching. Full-scale motion predictions are based on model tests or combined with simulations, and motion damping appendages are tested through simulations or model tests.

Vienna Model Basin specializes in a wide range of manoeuvering studies, including those essential for ensuring compliance with IMO regulations. Our comprehensive testing capabilities encompass various manoeuvers, such as turning, zigzag, crash stop, and reversed spiral tests. These evaluations can be conducted with free-sailing models in both deep and shallow water.
We provide expert advice and testing services to assess the impact of modifications to rudder design, rudder type, and hull form, all aimed at enhancing manoeuvering performance and course stability. Our services cater to all types of vessels, including those with water-jet and pod propulsion systems.

Ship Stability
Stability against capsizing in heavy seas is a critical consideration for naval architects when designing ships. Understanding capsizing behavior is essential for evaluating a vessel's performance in extreme conditions and linking this to its geometric and operational characteristics for cost-effective and safe operations.
As the industry faces diminishing returns and an increasing emphasis on safety, this objective is more crucial than ever. Research efforts in this area have significantly expanded over the past 15 years, evident in the wealth of publications and numerous international conferences, symposia, and workshops dedicated to the topic.
We conduct comprehensive stability experiments for both intact and damaged ships. Our research not only validates numerical codes but also meets the standards set by administrative authorities.
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A wind tunnel is essential for studying a ship’s aerodynamic performance, focusing on the behavior of structures above the waterline. These tests also impact the ship's hydrostatic and hydrodynamic characteristics, as well as onboard comfort. To ensure optimal design, detailed superstructures are scaled down and tested under various wind conditions. This includes assessing smoke dispersion from funnels and exhausts, wind speed, and turbulence on deck, using a comfort index to measure passenger comfort.
Wind resistance is quantified with a 6-component balance, helping predict performance and establish weather criteria. Tracer gas concentration measurements can be carried out to ascertain the exact pollutants present on deck. The impact of plumes in the vicinity of helicopter decks can be evaluated, and calibration protocols for anemometers at the respective installation site on deck can also be created.
Cavitation occurs when water vaporizes due to a drop in local pressure. This can lead to noise, energy losses, surface erosion, unsteady flows, and vibrations, adversely affecting the performance of ships, underwater vehicles, hydraulic pumps, and turbines.
At VMB, we provide comprehensive services for shipyards, ship owners, and propeller manufacturers, addressing complex questions that require extensive research and development. Our expertise covers a wide range of marine propulsion services, focusing on the interaction between propulsors, hulls, and appendages.
Our activities include propulsor design and analysis, cavitation predictions, and assessments of its effects on full-scale ship behavior regarding noise and vibrations. We also conduct extensive model testing and long-term research initiatives to enhance marine propulsor performance.

Sea Trial
Vienna Model Basin offers a range of full-scale investigations as part of our services. These include speed-power trials designed to determine a ship's performance in terms of speed, power, and propeller revolutions under predefined conditions. This process verifies the achievement of contractually stipulated speed and power, while also providing necessary data for calculating the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) as required by the IMO.
Additionally, we assess maneuvering characteristics in response to rudder and engine actions through full-scale maneuvering trials. These tests evaluate key performance metrics, including inherent dynamic stability, course-keeping ability, initial turning and course-changing capability, yaw checking, turning ability, and stopping performance.